This morning I got up at 4:30am to take a friend to the airport. By the time I got home I was very sleepy, but decided to fight through it and start my sketch. The peregrine falcon nest was also quiet and the chicks were so cute all piled up against each other for warmth and comfort. They also looked as sleepy as I felt. Were they dreaming of their next feeding? Peregrine falcons hunt from the air and capture birds in flight, snipping off their heads and then plucking all the feathers before bringing the fresh kill into the nest....kind of like us shopping for chicken in the poultry section of our local market. After they are fed, they once again collapse into a heap and sleep it off. Hmmmm.....may have to take a cat nap after lunch today.
Enjoy the day!
Your falcon drawings are wonderful.
Really neat to see these birds on camera. I caught mom at home last night.
Thanks Tom for your comments. Sketching the birds helps me rationalize the time spent watching the falcon-cam. Glad you're enjoying them too!
wonderful work Deb! nice colours and details...
Pretty drawing. I love the color.
This is sooo soft and sooo beautiful Deb! I am loving your exercise posts :o) I wish I could see them too...
Hi Deb, this piece looks amazing! Concept and final rendering, it is beautiful.
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Alicia, I added the Falcon Cam to my links list so you can see the birdies too! Hope you are feeling better....
Very sweet! The color is really lovely.
I look forward to seeing your sketches daily. What a fun cam you view!
I have named you as a recipient for the pico award. It's just a fun blog thing to honor blogs you find creative and inspiring. Please visit my blog for details.
awwww...so peaceful!
w0w! I really like this one. This is one of my favorite images from the challenge so far. The color and textures are so rich. Awesome work Deb!
Thank you Roz for the the pico award!!! Very sweet of you to think of me and glad you are enjoying the posts.
And thank you Ryan. I'm enjoying scanning in my sketches and playing around in photoshop with the color. New for me. But so much easier to experiment with the color!
Awwww... I can't write anymore... I'm suffering a tenderness attack :')
They are so adorable!
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