Here's something fun I worked on over a year ago for a company called Southern Patio. They saw my designs at Surtex and asked me to draw front, side and back views of specific designs that they liked. Prototypes were made in China and this polar bear is currently selling at Lowe's for the holidays. Very light weight and made out of resin. I had so much fun buying one for myself and trying to explain at the checkout counter that I had designed this bear.

OMG!!!! That is so awesome Deb!!!!!!!!!!! I want one now!! :o)
How incredible to see a beautiful character that you created from your head and heart, for real, 3d and huge!! You can hug him, how cool is that!
Congratulations Deb! That is the most adorable thing I've seen. If I lived in the US I would be standing first in line in Lows getting myself one. :o)
Love this bear! He is so adorable. I want him in a stuffed animal version too!
Ah, thanks Ali. You're too funny. It is wierd to have always painted 2 dimensional art and suddenly see it in 3-D. Nothing I ever expected. But I have to tell you it was a hoot seeing this guy sitting on the shelf in the store :o)
Thanks sis....maybe someday, eh?
How incredible are you feeling right now?!!! I am jumping up and down for you, I can picture you buying it and letting the clerk in on your "find!". How satisfying and how weird to see something 2 dimensional turned into 3D! Congrats!!!! wooo hooo
Okay, I know what I'm buying for my front door this year for the holidays. HOW DELIGHTFUL, Deb!!!!
Whooooh!!! It must be soooo cool to see your illlustrations come to 3D like that!!!! And the company did a really good job in translating your designs. Oh they are really, really cute, Deb! Congrats! (also, your turnarounds are fun to look at too.)
Those are really cool!
The sculpts stayed true to your design.
Wowwwweee! So impressive! Congratulations and I will be sure to go see if I can find these at my own Lowe's!
Thank you Guy! Love your enthusiasm :o)
You and me both Roz...I've been scouring the Bay Area Lowe's searching for more.
Thanks Jannie. You never know with licensing how the final product is really going to look, but I'm pretty happy so far with these sculptures.
Thanks Pierre!
Thank you Phyllis :o)
vary cool, so sweat
helo, how so beautiful..amazing..i like so mucho..very funny
These are so cool. FINALLY we found the snail and the Welcome Bear at our Sunnyvale Lowe's. We have been looking forever.
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