With the wind in her wool, the sheep felt light and breezy. Ok, a stretch, but I just got back from New Zealand and have sheep on my mind. Decided to play around with Painter today and sketched the sheep using a crow quill pen. Then using layers, I painted the background using sponges and the blender tool. Fun!
this is wonderful!
Thank you Maggie! I just visited your blog...such beautiful art and photography!
It looks fantastic! I love the line work and you created such wonderful effects digitally!
I also LOVED your Owl line! Congratulations!!
Thanks Monica...I'm pretty happy about the owls too!
Hey Dub, this Breezy illustration is fantastic! I love the way you illustrated the sheep!!!! Way cool! I just love every thing about the illustration! Great job!!!!
Oh of course I had to click on your new book and order that! I can't wait to get it!
he's hilarious!
Love it! His expression is priceless.
very cool..... and breezy come shearing day!
Your characters have such wonderful personality!
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