Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Thank you lil Kim for passing on some wonderful awards my way! Such a nice gift as we wind down for the year. You'll have to visit Kim's blog...she is a children's book illustrator with an adorable style. And her blog shows a lot of her process when working which I always find so interesting. 

And since awards should not sit on a shelf and gather dust, I pass them on to two fabulous artists who I'm sure have plenty of awards already....but I just love their blogs and want you to love them too!


Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

the owl is so cute :-)

Edrian said...

Congrats! Very well deserved!

Lynne the Pencil said...

Thank you so much for this Deb! I'm thrilled that you think my blog warrents your award, and it's really kind of you to put on a link.

Great owl by the way - I shall be having a good look round in a bit...

Deb said...

Thank you attempt at vector art using photoshop :o) since I have no clue how to use illustrator!

Kathleen Rietz said...

Aww...thank you Deb! Very thoughtful.